G-way Apps 应用

Game Timer Extreme 11.0
G-way Apps
If you vote 1 or 2 stars please write ajustification, I always try to solve your problems!Game Timer Extreme allows you to track time for 1 to 20players.Here the different kind of supported timers :1. Move timer: decrease turn time by player.2. Move timer + save: decrease turn time by player. Unusedtime is added to the next player's turn.3. CountDown: decrease total game time by player.4. CountUp: add elapsed time by player.You can pause/resume time.You can create/save/load/delete Presets!You can set players name and color.Auto-advance option: if enabled when the current player timeis finished the app move to the next player and so on.Speech option: if disabled, a ring bell sound is played atplayer timer start and an alarm sound is played when 10 seconds orless remains. If enabled the app tells aloud the remaining secondsand the active player name.Point and go: while create players point the top of thedevice towards user to save its position at the table. Then you canstarts timers simply pointing the device towards differentplayers.keywords:board game, alarm, rummikub
Say The Time Pro 1,00
G-way Apps
Usage example:- When you're driving and you want to be updated about thetime- Like a timer for boardgames- When you're studying/working and you are afraid to lose count ofthe passing hours- When you want to be cool with others around you and show thatyour smartphone can talkThis is the pro version of Say The Time app, cleaner, simplerand 100% working.Say The Time Pro is betting everything on semplicity andreliability.Just tap on the clock image, set the repetition interval andforget about it. You can dismiss the app by clicking the Homebutton on your device and then at your choosed interval Say TheTime will pop up to read the clock for you. So: no more need tokeep Say The Time on top of the screen!When you don't need it anymore just tap again the clock image ortap 2 times on the back button: the alarm will be cancelled.Note that Say The Time will use your device tts engine, so youmust have some language installed or this app will not say aword.CONTACT USGot questions? Have feature requests? Please email us at gwayapps@gmail.com -- we lookforward to hearing from you.keywords:talking clock, time, tts
Dice chat 8.0
G-way Apps
Dice Chat is both a private chat and a dice roller. Use it to playRPG or board games with your friends! Useful when you playing onthe internet or at home: maybe you're the Game master and you wantonly one player to know the result of a dice roll? Roll it insideDice Chat! Enter username and choose an existent channel, or createone just entering a channel name. Channels can be public or private(password protected). If you want to create a private channel justuncheck "Public" and specify a password, then touch the arrow forconnecting. You can write text or dictate it to Google SpeechRecognizer. You can also use some keywords, well described insidethe app. To roll dice just write in RPG format, like: 1d4, 1d6,1d8... You can roll multiple dice writing: 2d4, 4d6, 10d8... Bydefault the app sums dice results, if you want to show separateresults just use \distinct keyword before the roll. You can rollpersonalized dice, like d3, d11, d35...
Helpviaggi.com 1.0a
G-way Apps
Cosa significa ASSISTENZAITALIANAALL'ESTERO?Abbiamo assistito persone vittime di furto;Abbiamo accompagnato persone al pronto soccorso;Abbiamo rintracciato pacchi spediti dall'Italia emaiconsegnati;Abbiamo assistito clienti nel recupero di bagagli smarriti;Abbiamo aiutato italiani che desideravano trasferirsiaLondra;Abbiamo rintracciato persone di cui i familiari non avevanopiùnotizie da tempo;Può essere difficile orientarsi in un paese straniero efarsicapire nei momenti di difficoltà in una lingua che siconoscepoco, per fortuna le nostre guide italiane sono pronte avenire intuo aiuto.Al momento siamo presenti a Londra, Parigi, Berlino,Bruxelles,Amsterdam, Praga, Copenaghen, Barcellona,Cracovia.Con questa app hai sempre a portata di mano inostricontattiAltri servizi:trasferimento da e per gli aeroporti,ricerca alloggio economico,guide e interpreti,accoglienza in hotel,informazioni turistiche,informazioni sul mondo del lavoro e sul mondodelbusiness.What does itmeanSUPPORT ITALIAN ABROAD?We have seen people who are victims of theft;We accompanied people to the emergency room;We tracked parcels sent from Italy and never delivered;We have assisted clients in the recovery of lost luggage;We have helped Italians who wanted to move to London;We tracked individuals whose family had not heard from himintime;It can be difficult to navigate in a foreign country andbeunderstood in times of trouble in a language that you knowlittle,fortunately our Italian guides are ready to come to youraid.At the moment we are present to London, Paris, Berlin,Brussels,Amsterdam, Prague, Copenhagen, Barcelona, ​​Krakow.With this app you always have on hand our contactsOther services:transfer to and from the airports,search cheap accommodation,guides and interpreters,welcome in hotels,tourist informationinformation about the world of work and the worldofbusiness.
Spellbook D&D 44.0
G-way Apps
If you rated 1 or 2 stars please write a justification, I alwaystry to solve your problems! A useful spell book for all wizards,clerics and sorcerers of Dungeons & Dragons (TM). - Create asmany profiles you want, each with its own custom list of spells,details and photo - Sets the number of usable spells per day (andknown spells, save throws, etc.) - Stores how many spells you wantwith high level of detail (components, schools, notes, etc.) -Prepare your spells per day for the gaming session - Cast a spellticking it off from those prepared and listen to Spellbookpronounce it aloud (optional) Feedback onhttps://www.facebook.com/gabrykapps For negative feedback orsuggestions please DO NOT use the comments on google Play Store,but write to gabryk91@gmail.com Spellbook is localized in Italian,English, French, German (thanks to Michael Kronen) and Polish(thanks to Bartosz Sochański). Your language is missing? Would likesome other function? Ask me! INFO ON PERMITS:READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: required for backward compatibility witholder versions of Android WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: required forbackward compatibility with older versions of Android VIBRATE: Ifyou check the options in the settings menu Spellbook uses thispermission to reproduce sound, to make the phone vibrate and to saythe name of the spells
Image color picker 2.0
G-way Apps
Take a picture or open a picture from the gallery, press anywhereto get the code of the selected color in RGB, CMYK, and HEX. Youcan copy the code by pressing a single button to the right of eachcode or send them all to any application using the sharing button(so you can send them via email, save them to a note, etc.) Permitsare required to open pictures, take photos and advertising. Note:When you take a picture you may receive an error if the quality ofthe camera is set too high, if it happens try to reduce it andshoot again. keywords photo, immage, color picker, rgb, hex, cmyk
Assistant for BloodBowl - Key 20.0
G-way Apps
This is only the activation key to unlock all the features of thedemo version that you can find here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appinventor.ai_gabryk91.BBAv2_demobloodbowl, fantasy football, boardgame, lrb6
Assistant for BloodBowl 29.0
G-way Apps
THIS IS A DEMO VERSION! Download activation key athttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appinventor.ai_gabryk91.BBAv2Demo limitations: - You can only manage one team - Skillls listlimitations - Tables limitations - Ads If you like BBA consider tobuy the activation key and help its development! If you rated 1 or2 stars please write a justification, I always try to solve yourproblems! COMPLETELY IN ENGLISH! Partecipate to the development onhttps://www.facebook.com/gabrykapps - SKILLS HANDBOOK: see thefunctioning of different abilities, conveniently divided intomacrosections Agility, Passing, Strength, General, Mutation andExtraordinary. - TABLES: all the useful tables of the gamecollected in simple and easy-to-read screens. - TEAMS MANAGEMENT:add how many teams you want, add players, manage the team extrastuff and the players achievements, and so on! BBAv2 comes withtotally new teams management system that allows you to bring yourteams always with you and easily edit them! - OBBLM TEAM EXPORT:you can export your teams and import them on a OBBLM web-portalthrough the default OBBLM import team feature! Just that easy! Nextwill come the OBBLM import capability.